Studio Practice with Juliana Coles $20.00
Studio Practice with Juliana Coles $20.00
(This is not the Visual Journaling group where we meet once a month and I give an assignment and guide you through every step, but I hope you join us for both meetings, as these two creative practices complement each other! In the monthly Visual Journaling group, we learn techniques that you may want to work on further in the studio sessions, or maybe you begin an amazing page through one of my assignments that you want to delve into more fully but can’t seem to eke out the time or space on your own.)
Spring Schedule:
Tuesday, April 8, 6:30-8:30
Tuesday, May 6, 6:30-8:30
Tuesday, June 3, 6:30-8:30
Sisters and brothers; I hope you will join me in a 2-hour studio practice! I provide the space, all the mixed media materials and music at the designated place and time - you show up with your book (or whatever else you are working on!). In the ‘Studio Practice’ everyone works on their own project. It can be a journal page you never finished, or maybe you want to prep a book to alter. For me, my visual journaling practice consists of adding a collage element, then turning the page, adding a word, then turning the page. I keep working back and forth until something speaks to me and little by little, I build up my book. You may work at completing one page spread in one sitting or finish a book or an unfinished page. I’ll be there to give feedback and offer ideas, but mostly this is a group effort- my students are my greatest inspiration and you all have so many ideas to share. You can bring your own materials (keep in mind there is not much room at the table!) and maybe you have some items you’d like to share or pass on to the group - items we don’t usually get time to use in the monthly Visual Journaling Sessions.
As Captain, I hold the space and create structure and ritual, but what you work on is up to you. We begin with introductions, and everyone will show what project (s) they will be working on, and you can ask questions and talk about process. Then we get to work and at the end we close by talking about our practice and what it involved for that session. It is helpful for all of us to hear how others go about their creative journeys and how one thing leads to another. You will not be thrown to the wolves - I am there for everyone if you need a prompt, a personal assignment or suggestion of how to get started, or if you would like feedback. But mostly, this is our sacred time of working together, listening to music, talking and sharing in a safe atmosphere. I hope to see this become an ongoing circle of support in obtaining our dreams and goals.
Feel free to bring snacks, dinner, tea and please bring water to drink! You may want an apron, though I have plenty to share. Please bring a large glue stick, your questions and any of your favorite materials. I provide plenty of collage materials, paint, brushes, pens, markers etc. I have my own nice materials, but I like working with the classroom supplies because it makes me work harder to solve artistic problems and I do things I wouldn’t normally do with my safe supplies. You can work in your visual journal, art journal, artist book, sketchbook or anything else that fits on the table (probably not taller than 12”). I also have some extra book giveaways if you need something to work on/in!
And let’s get to work!
Contact me with any questions or concerns Juliana